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Scholarly Publishing Clinic Online
Scholarly publishing office hours are by appointment every first Tuesday of the month this semester at 3 PM via Zoom or phone. Use this form to give us advance notice of your question. Consultations are also available by appointment. Email Prof. Monica Berger to schedule your consultation and discuss your preferences for shared communication. You can reach out to your subject liaison in the library as well.
Did you know that we can help you learn how to:
- pick the best journal or publisher for your article or book and avoid predatory publishers;
- retain your rights as an author (and better understand your journal contract and how you can share your work);
- create Google Scholar and ORCID profiles and Google Scholar alerts;
- obtain evidence related to the impact of your research for your PARSE and get an overview of bibliometrics;
- why Academic Works helps your scholarship be read and cited more and the many benefits of open access; and
- stay organized with citation managers like Zotero?
Registration has closed.
Event Organizer
Monica Berger